Thursday, April 5, 2012


Remember your test is on Tuesday.

If you can do the follwoing review questions, you should have no difficulties with the test.

Review Questions: pg 213 # 4b          pg 217 # 5bd, 8          pg 220 # 1, 2, 5, 7

Have a good long weekend.

-- Mr. D


  1. het sur i cant find the x-inter for 4c on page 179 and for question 3 on page 178 i am doing everything right but i am getting the max as a min and vise versa

  2. There appears to be a problem with the answer in the back of the book for 4(c). The graph that they show has a y-int of (0,-10) but clearly the function y = x^3 + 3x^2 + 1 must go through the point (0,1).

    If this is your only problem, I wouldn't be all that worried. We will make sure that the test questions are free of errors.

    Generating the x-intercept for the above function cannot be found using any of the normal methods that you have used before.
