Friday, May 4, 2012

Parking Lot

Just providing a clean spot in case any of you have any questions that you want clarified prior to the test on Monday.  I will check the blog at least twice this weekend.  Sometime Saturday night and sometime Sunday evening as well.


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  2. sir for question 8a how come you cant do A-B+c all togather
    and incase you did not see my last post i asked about 7d

  3. 11b i the back of the book is wrong and i am wrong too i got C= -10 B= 5 and A=4 can you tell me whats going on

  4. you know what i am just going to stop asking questions

  5. Habib,

    The weekend has been crazy!!! I apologize I have not gotten the chance to respond to your questions like I said I would. At one point I considered postponing the test. I can see how hard you have studied though.

    See me in the morning in the math office near my room before you go to your first period class. I will be in the building briefly and will handle your last minute concerns then.

    Mr. A.
