Monday, February 27, 2012

More with Product Rule

Today we looked at the proof of the Product Rule in more detail.  Again, refer to page 85 and 86 of your student text when looking at our lesson notes.

We also showed how to find the derivative of the power of a function.  That is if f(x) = [g(x)]^n than the derivatve will be f'(x) = n * [g(x)]^(n-1) * g'(x).  Again refer to the examples on page 88 and 89 for further clarification.

HOMEWORK:  Pg. 90 -91, #'s 1f (again), 2ad, 4, 5de, 9 and 10

NOTE:  We will be moving into section 2.4 tomorrow and looking at the Quotient Rule.  So read ahead to get a brief picture of where we are going.

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