Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Parking Lot

If you have any further questions while you are studying, don't be afraid to post them below and I will get to them at some point tonight.  I will check periodically throughout the evening...I am watching 'Survivor' between 8 PM and 9 PM :)


  1. How do would you do #17 b on pg 59?

  2. okay sir question 4a i got the right answer but the wording was a little got me you see for the first sec you use the interval 1 and 0 but for the second sec you use 1 and 2 why?

  3. hey christina i solved you question but i don't know haw to wright the answer on her i will show you tomorrow at school

  4. Sorry for the late response...not sure if you are still on-line or not. With reference to question 4a from the review: You are asked to find the average velocity during each of the first two seconds. Soooo.......

    As you know the average velocity is the secant between two points. The average velocity for the first second is like you said, the interval between t=0 and t=1. The average velocity for the 2nd second is going to be the secant between t=1 and t=2.

    Hope that clears it up. If anyone has any other questions I am going to be up for about another hour. Or, feel free to stop by my room during lunch for any last minute help.
